Thursday, March 29, 2007

Making good news after recycling

There is no doubt for me that US leaders are questionable and instead of peace they are bringing insecurity to our warmed planet. But it is also true that within the US it's possible to find great samples and sources of inspiration.
This time is about a sister and a brother making real a dream that helps soldiers to call home. The success of their effort is outstanding because their energy and creativity made possible to deliver more than 400000 pre-paid telephone cards! Read the article on
They have raised 1 million dollars for helping US troops to call home!!
Visit their web site for more info.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

This is a good new for the near future

Apple made a big announcement when showing the iPhone to the market. Jobs talked about a new technology for "multi touch" screens that are included in the iPhone and that would be a revolution for the user interface.
Then I've read a post from David Pogue, where I found the link to the video you can see above. Very interesting.
If you would like to go deeper into the multi touch screens you will want to visit

How to save enrgy and use it later?

That is a question I have since some weeks ago. And like act of magic there is an answer about saving wind power for later usage! yes... how can someone store wind power and use it later?
Simple: compressing the air. Please read the article in
There are a couple of places in the world where compressed air is being used for clean energy production: Iowa and in Germany.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Faroe islands

The Faroe islands are located between Iceland and Norway. I found a very interesting article and video that made me remember about the importance of nature for our souls. On the video one man said "in New York you can be alone".. or something like that, when the journalist asked him about the lonely place where he is living. How we feel is a personal issue, it is not related necessarily to where we are; it must be a state of mind and the way we use our time.
It is great to see that our planet still hosts many places full of the energy that the nature offers to all of us. Places where the knowledge and wisdom are far from the cities.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Little dreams

On of the topics I like to read about is about the life of very known artists and their heritage. This time my curiosity about Phil Collins gave me the good surprise of finding a web site from the Little Dreams Foundation. He drives it with her wife Orianne.
“The Foundation aims to make dreams come true for children between the ages of 4 and 16 who have a special gift or talent in athletics or the arts.”...
So if you know some dreamy and young kid now you know she or he have one more chance to make a dream come true!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Biking for saving

We all have some idea of the benefits of using a bike to go to work or just to move within the town. We know that is good exercise and that helps protecting the environment.
But checking a bit deeper I found some interesting facts:
  1. If you ride a bike each day for 3 Km for 20 days a month you will save more than US$ 400 per year. Check the calculator.
  2. You can burn 80 calories per day (The equivalent to one egg) if you ride a bike for 3KM and your weight is around 75 Kg. Check the calculator.
  3. For 4.8 Km a car would need to consume 7 dozens of eggs, a loaded bus would require 2 dozens eggs per each person it carries, a walking person would require 3 eggs. In bike is only needed 1 egg and a half.
  4. If you cycle 30 minutes every day, after a year you would have burnt around 44,000 calories or 550 eggs!
  5. 61% of all car journeys are less than 8 kilometers.
  6. Albert Einstein discovered the theory of relativity while bicycling.
Do you have more reasons? please share them with me.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

It is sure.. we all want to live in peace

Vida Toš, one of the members of B4Contact's family sent me an email message with a great site I would like to share with you. It is called "Stop the Clash of Civilizations".
Check the video they advertise and if interested you could go to their web site and express your support to their cause.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Congratulations to "Ciclonudista Peru"

Like most Sundays I enjoy reading the news and the interesting articles from my favorite Peruvian newspaper (it is in spanish).
For my surprise the normally conservative society where I was born had a very especial event. A group of cyclists decided to protest peacefully against the chaotic traffic in Lima. The one responsible for 3 dead cyclists from the beginning of this year.
Their protest was to ride their bikes naked. Yes... naked. But after a successful negotiation with the authorities of the municipality of Miraflores they transformed this protest in a colorful display of happiness and democracy.
And the reaction? very positive, adults and kids went to see how a group of persons use their right to protest. Many families where smiling at the nudist group. But the democracy was the common topic!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

A good new for you

There is no need to explain you the importance of Internet and Business... I know you know.
But maybe something you don't know is that for being able to follow what makes your web site "the envy" of the others you need some tools that can track statistics. The best software available is called Web Trends.
The bad news is that I tried a free trial they offer from their web site... and I have to tell you: don't use their free trial period. If you are not very careful it will cost you 35$.
The gooood news is that I passed the bad experience... now you can avoid it.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Good news to Share with Matt!

Dear Matt, as we talked some months ago... I'm notifying you that I'm in StarBucks in Vienna (the closest choice from my home)... drinking one great Macchiato with caramel!
This place saved me! I had to go to the embassy of Peru here in Austria trusting on the map downloads I have in my notebook. The sad truth is that my notebooks battery is dead! Here was the salvation power plug waiting for me :)