Tuesday, October 24, 2006

October 24th Is Take Back Your Time Day!

I didn't know that there is a day for the "Time"... Until today when Andrej told me about.
When someone says something about the importance of the electricity and how it helped millions of students to be able to study at night... We should also think that electricity and hundreds of modern discoveries also contributed to extend the time we are busy. I mean... Not having time for many important things like the family, the friends and of course for self improvement and entertainment.
The idea of the "day of the time" is good! Because it makes us remember that we should take back our time and enjoy of the "other things we know we have to do... But we have no time.
So I'm better going to sit down with my kids and wife to play something together!


Anonymous said...

Nice blog. I like it very much.

Anonymous said...

I am not anonymous, I was just experimenting....Tati