Saturday, December 09, 2006

A gadget to enjoy with the family

Today I went to make some shopping with my wife and children. It was a good day!
And I found one of the presents "Santa" wished to give me... the Nintendo Wii.
I'm now a proud owner of one of these wonderful gadgets and I can tell you that is the most funny thing I ever had. I'm a lover of technology but until now was very difficult to involve my family (of course they are not interested in productivity software, HTML, SharePoint...).
This game console is super simple to install, intuitive and extremely funny! Tatjana, my wife, won a tennis competition very fast! The game controls are wireless and are sensible to the movement. Tati was jumping and swinging to hit the tennis ball for some time!
It is a gooood new! not only because finally there is a gadget that is for all the family but because innovation shows up again to change the rules on the market. (You can read about Microsoft Xbox, Sony PS3). Both Xbox and PS3 got big part of the market Nintento had some years ago but I think Nintendo changed the rules introducing a new concept. Now they are running in a different race.
I will write more as soon as possible!

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