Saturday, February 24, 2007

T'ikapapa, 2007 Environment And Development Awards

"Papa" means potato in Spanish.
Some years ago I've heard the comments of a professional in social services that one of the problems within indigenous population in Peru is the lack of leadership. That person is a United Nations member. And I think it is true. That problem comes from the Peruvian complex history.
Nevertheless, the times are changing and together with non for profit organizations and international aid agencies the Andean communities are making steps forward to development, leadership and environmental responsibility; in this case I'm talking about The Seed Initiative.
A group of Peruvian entrepreneurs is selected like one of ten finalists for a product called T'ikapapa. The project helps small scale farmers "...Taking a participatory market chain approach, T’ikapapa fosters the formation of local farmers’ associations and opens access to
technological assistance, technological innovation and market information, thus facilitating vending to supermarket chains...".
I wish them great success! Congratulations!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think this initiative is amazing.